Malcolm Gladwell
Author of Outliers, Blink and The Tipping Point
are taking the business world by storm.
Phenomenal best-selling author.
Malcolm Gladwell has an incomparable gift for interpreting new ideas in the social sciences and making them understandable, practical and valuable to business and general audiences alike.

Malcolm's most recent book promises to have an even greater impact on both business and society than his first two books. In Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm suggests an exciting new approach to helping people succeed by using the factors that really foster success.
He is the author of two New York Times #1 bestsellers—The Tipping Point and Blink.
With his first book Malcolm embedded the concept of The Tipping Point in our everyday vocabulary and gave organizations new tools for understanding how trends work.
In Blink he analyzed first impressions—the snap judgments that we all make unconsciously and instinctively—and he explores how we can master this important aspect of successful decision-making.
Malcolm is a staff writer for the New Yorker magazine. His editor describes his work as a new genre of story, an idea-driven narrative that’s focused on the everyday and combines research with material that’s more personal, social and historical.
He was previously a reporter for the Washington Post.
Malcolm is an extraordinary speaker: always on target, aware of the context and the concerns of the audience, informative and practical, poised, eloquent and delightfully warm and funny. Magically, he entertains and shakes up your perspective at the same time.

The secrets of success can be decoded—and copied and reconstructed.
Why are people successful?
In his stunning new book, the bestselling author of The Tipping Point and Blink
reveals the real—and mostly overlooked—secrets to extraordinary
success. As in his earlier books, Gladwell builds his case with stories
of real people, brilliantly told from an all-new perspective.
He reveals that we pay far too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where successful people are from:
their culture, their family, and their generation. Gladwell explains
what Bill Gates, the Beatles and other world-class successes have in
common, how culture affects their careers and performance, why Asians
are good at math and what drives the so-called “achievement gap” in
American education.
Along the way, Gladwell overturns many of our conventional notions about what makes a person successful. He creates an entirely new model for nurturing success and suggests ways to give people the best opportunities to succeed.
Because we so profoundly personalize success, we squander human
potential. We miss opportunities to lift others onto the top rung.
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

In the Blink of an eye, the unconscious mind decides lots of
(often very important) things for us without our even knowing what we
know or how we know it. In his bestseller Blink, Malcolm
describes how we make these decisions—both the good ones and the
bad—why some people are so much better at it than others, and how we
can improve our skill at interpreting these details correctly to become better decision makers—in our homes, in our offices, and in everyday life.
Blink examines the smallest components of our experience, the
content and origin of those instantaneous impressions and conclusions
that bubble up whenever we meet a new person, or confront a complex
situation, or have to make a decision under conditions of stress. If we
paid more attention to these fleeting moments, it would change how we
do a lot of things. If you combined all these little changes together,
you’d end up with a different and happier world.
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference

The Tipping Point is a book about change, in particular, a book that presents a new way of understanding why change happens
as quickly and as unexpectedly as it so often does. It's that ideas and
behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks
of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us.
In The Tipping Point, Malcolm describes how trends work
and he helps companies apply this knowledge to their own business
strategies. Using the principles of epidemiology—the study of
epidemics—to understand the movement of ideas, he explains how trends
start and spread and he offers tools for igniting, steering and/or
sustaining the trends— “positive epidemics” —that matter to his
- Staff writer for The New Yorker
- Author, The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers
- Former science and medicine writer for The Washington Post
- Winner, National Magazine Award
Picasso vs Cezanne
Paul Cezanne and Pablo Picasso revolutionized the world of art, but
they represent two distinctly different ideas on how to innovate.
Picasso was a conceptual innovator who revolutionized art with
transformative ideas, whereas Cezanne used a trial-and-error approach
and worked slowly. Malcolm applies this intriguing paradigm to business
and business problems, with his usual insight and eloquence.
The grand idea often has more appeal and seems to promise quick
results. But many problems are just too complex for a grand idea to
work. Healthcare reform, for instance, is a Cezanne problem, not a
Picasso problem. It cries out for experiments that will help us decide
what works.
Puzzle or Mystery?
Puzzles can be solved if you have the right information. Mysteries,
on the other hand, remain mysteries no matter how much information you
have. They require judgments and the assessment of uncertainty, not a
simple, factual answer.
These differences matter. If you approach a problem as a
puzzle, you are likely to seek more information, but if it’s a mystery,
that will only make matters worse. You will want to make qualitative
changes in your approach instead: improve your analysis,
cross-fertilize, employ more thoughtful and skeptical people.
Accountability works differently, too: puzzles come to satisfying
conclusions and if it goes wrong, blame the one who withheld
information. Mysteries sometimes don’t get answered at all and it can
be hard to tell who’s responsible.
Some examples: The whereabouts of Osama bin Laden is a puzzle;
so was Watergate. Enron, on the other hand, wasn’t a puzzle, as the
prosecutors in the case against its principals claimed. It was a
mystery—no Deep Throat, no cover-up, there was too much information available. Likewise, the motivations of the perpetrators of 9/11 are a mystery.
~ Fast Company